You know how I love good news, and there’s plenty of it right now. The U.S. Census Bureau says that housing starts for June were up nearly 20% from a year ago…
And since Wall Street loves positive housing data and earnings reports, stocks got a boost as the NY Times outlines here…
All of which is backed up by what’s happening in our local housing market. Dataquick reports a rise in sales as well as in the all-important median price paid for homes here in the Southland.
But my favorite news actually comes courtesy of the Arch Daily, a wonderful website devoted to one of my greatest loves in life — architecture. Irinia Vinnitskaya has written an article about what planners, architects and designers are doing to create active, healthy cities. Very cool.
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Photo: The Highline Eastern Rail Yards, courtesy of the City of New York and Friends of the Highline